Here we watched three videos about how theres a stick that they colect the dirt in and it has beeen over a 5  thousand years old. its been since crater lake volcano erupeted there was ashes in the dirt it was pretty cool.
Then we learned about how the water is turning more dirtyer

So this was showing us about how a water shed. lets say you have a land of your own and then every thing else around you like roads buildings farms rivers well say the farm had all there animals a factory has all there smoke and grease and stuff coming out the building then you have your house with grass and the bug killer stuff you use soaks in the ground then the raods have alot of oil spills from cars so what a water shed means is as it rains or snows every thing is joined together and runs down to the river or lake or your drains to your lake well that makes your water more dirty and more harder to clean and not very safe to drink  

 what did i dislike? Well i would have to say i didnt really have nothing to dislike it was an awsome place and i learned alot on how things were planted it was great to learn about. every thing impressed me

What did i like? I would say how Tom and the farm people all built every thing out of recycled stuff you never see that and it just makes it look more better cause u dont really have to pay for much tomake something look so great. How every thing is different and have its own station

what did i learn about? How the mulch from the leafs turns in soil and it helps  plants.
You can build really any thing to make something.
That its better to build something to save the rain water to it can feed the plants.

What did we do? We went to river school. Tom took us through every thing and showed how they use things and built it.